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WHO behavior code

The WHO Code is called the ‘International Code of Conduct for the Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes’ in full.

It means that parents should be able to make their own choices about their child’s nutrition, without being influenced by commercial parties. Thanks to the WHO Code, advertising for baby food under the age of six months has been restricted in the Netherlands. The WHO Code is more extensive than the Dutch Commodities Act or European legislation and regulations.

I adhere to the WHO Code in its most extensive form.

However, I do not only work with brands and products from companies that adhere to the WHO Code. This is why I will not advertise for some brands.

The WHO Code aims to:

protect and promote breastfeeding

ensure that parents receive the correct and sufficient information

ensure that breast-milk substitutes are used correctly when necessary

ensure that guidelines for the sale and advertising of baby food are complied with

The WHO Code can be read in Dutch.








I do my utmost to ensure that you are satisfied with my lactation care. If you are not satisfied with the care provided or if you have another complaint, I would appreciate it if you would first let me know. Then we can calmly discuss your complaint together and see what we can do about it.
If you do not feel heard despite an additional conversation, or if the outcome is unsatisfactory, you can file a complaint with the Dutch Association of Lactation Consultants (NVL). A complaints procedure will be initiated via the association. More information can be found on their website.
The practice is also affiliated with the Complaints Portal ZORG. Every healthcare provider is required to have a complaints procedure that complies with the Quality, Complaints and Dispute Care Act (Wkkgz). The Complaints Portal ZORG is an independent organisation, where you can also find a complaints procedure.

Professional Association NVL

Breastfeeding is a right and breast milk is the optimal nutrition for the young child. Lactation consultants IBCLC guide the process of breastfeeding and lactation and offer tailor-made care. The relationship between mother and child is central and lactation consultants create conditions to realize the mother’s choices.

The Dutch Association of Lactation Consultants is the professional association of recognized lactation consultants IBCLC, or breastfeeding specialists. We stand up for our profession and our members. The NVL is a discussion partner for other professionals, government and health insurers. (Read more about the professional association NVL)

Professional Profile IBCLC

An IBCLC lactation consultant is a certified healthcare professional who focuses specifically on the needs and concerns of the breastfeeding mother and her child. Her role is to provide information, knowledge, and expertise that enables parents to prevent, recognize, and resolve breastfeeding problems. The profession has existed since 1985 and there are now approximately 28,105 IBCLC lactation consultants worldwide in 102 countries. (Here you can find the professional profile)